Patient Participation Group

We’re always looking for new people to join our PPG to hear their thoughts and feedback on the Practice.

Contact the Patient Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG)  consists of both patients and practice staff and is chaired by a patient. The aim of the PPG is to provide constructive feedback from patients and work alongside the practice to improve communication and services to patients. The PPG meets 4 times a year via a hybrid meeting format, which enables people to attend either in person or online. The PPG also helps with the open evening held at the practice for all patients where we discuss patient feedback and areas for improvement.

Our key activities are in the following areas:

  • Write a  quarterly newsletter
  • Provide Inputs to practice website
  • Review patient feedback
  • Advise,  as a consultative group, on any changes within the practice that affect patients.

The pdf document for terms of service can be downloaded here:

St John’s Wood Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) Terms of Reference

If you are interested in joining the PPG and contributing to discussions which affect all patients, please complete the form below. 

Upcoming events

No event is currently scheduled